Evangelism is not inviting people to church or an evangelistic event

Inviting people to events is important, but it is not evangelism – it is pre-evangelism

Evangelism is not social work, justice or political involvement

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with seeking social justice, feeding the homeless, clothing the naked, and addressing institutional-political injustices. However social justice, food in a hungry belly, and a jacket on the back of a homeless man does not prepare that soul for eternity. Good deeds compliment the gospel enterprise; they do not replace it.

Evangelism is not personal testimony

A personal testimony does not save a sinner, only the Gospel and Christ Jesus. It’s quite right to support a gospel presentation with what the Gospel of Christ has done in one’s life. Yet, we must never confuse the gospel itself with a personal testimony.

Evangelism is not imposing our will or beliefs on another person

We make no apologies for attempting to persuasively make the case for Christianity. But in the end, only God can change the human heart.

Evangelism is not doing apologetics in order to win an argument

Apologetics is a necessary part of the Christian mission. Apologetics can help answer questions and remove intellectual objections, but only the gospel of Jesus Christ can change the heart.

Evangelism is not church planting

Church planting is biblical and necessary. Many church plants succeed at a higher rate growth than already established churches, but it’s not because of the magical words – church plant. The reason church plants grow fast for a season is because believers of that new church share the good news and are active in seeing people come to the Lord.

Evangelism is not the increase of numbers of people joining a church

It is very easy to get caught up in numbers in the business of church. Jesus told three successive stories involving numbers in Luke 15. Souls are not notches on our belt or numbers on our denominational charts. “One” represents a precious soul for whom Christ died. We are to communicate the gospel regardless of the results – God alone takes care of the results.

What is Evangelism?


Evangelism is the announcement, proclamation, and preaching of the Gospel of
Jesus Christ.

It is Declaring good news of and about Jesus Christ
(1 Corinthians 15:1-4)

The Gospel is a communicated message communicated in verbal
(Luke 7:22; Romans 10:14-17, Luke 1:1-4)

Where Did Evangelism Come From?


The English word “evangelism” comes from the Greek word euaggelion (yu-an-ge-lē-on).

It is literally translated in the noun form and means: “gospel” good news or “good tidings.”

In the verb form (euaggelizesthai), the meaning of the word changes slightly to “announce” or “bring good news.” This Greek word in its various forms appears 55 times in the New Testament.

In addition to the before- mentioned translations, the Greek word is
also translated as “preach”

Evangelism in a Nutshell


Evangelism is the communication of the gospel message, which includes a warning,
an explanation, and a call.

Evangelism includes warning people about sin and the consequences of sin
(John 16:8; Acts 24:25; Revelation 20:11-15)

It includes an explanation of God’s remedy for sin- the Gospel
(Acts 8:29-35; Romans 3:21-26; 2 Corinthians 5:21)

It includes the clear call to repent (to turn from sin and to turn toward God) and believe the gospel, by faith
(Mark 1:15; Luke 13:1-5; Acts 17:2931; Romans 1:17; Romans 10:9-13).

The Gospel


When we say Gospel we are referring to it’s meaning, which is good news, or bring or announce good news.

What is the Good news?
Jesus Christ died to pay the penalty for our sin so that we might become the children of God through faith alone in Christ alone.

The Gospel is the summary of God’s saving truth that God has communicated to us as lost humanity.

The Gospel is revealed in the person of His Son and in the Holy Scriptures, the Bible.

The central truth of the Gospel is that God has provided a way of salvation for
men through the gift of His son to the world.

Jesus suffered as a sacrifice for sin, overcome death, and now offers a share in His triumph to all who will accept it.

The Gospel is good news because it is a gift of God, not something that must be earned be penance or by self-improvement.
(Romans 5:8-11; 2 Corinthians 5:14-19; Titus 2:11-14)


We are called to be Disciples of Jesus Christ and to introduce people to Jesus Christ and not church, organizations, or denominations. We must love people with true authenticity, and meet people where they are. As we walk in the revelation of who God has called us to be, and move in faith based only on the finished work of the Cross we will see Gods power move when we speak. It’s Harvest time.