The Problem
| More than 10 million prisoners worldwide are locked away and forgotten.
Cut off from society, they reside in a culture that does not rehabilitate and is often based on the threat of violence. To survive, they learn to protect themselves through the same means that got them into prison, perpetuating a culture of violence and retaliation. So it’s not surprising that 75% of these men and women will reoffend within 5 years of their release—and the cycle continues.
And prisoners aren’t the only ones affected by their crimes.
Victims of crime are largely ignored, often suffering in silence. Among them are the more than 14 million children around the world, who have lost one or both parents to prison. These children are among the world’s most forgotten and destitute populations. Many are hidden from society, living in remote, hard-to-reach communities and experiencing extreme poverty. Much worse off than impoverished children whose parents aren’t in prison, they are in danger of slavery, sex-trafficking, and violence.
| One in five children will repeat the cycle of crime—unless someone intervenes.
The Solution
Greater Glory is partnering with volunteers and local churches in prisons around the world that are restoring prisoners’ lives, helping their families, and successfully integrating them back into community.
The approach is simple and it starts with people just like you that care and desire change. We simply share the Love of God, preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every prisoner, and transformation begins. We serve these prisoners, give them hope through Christ, and believe that every seed we plant in their lives will produce a great harvest for all eternity.
GREATER GLORY has partnered with The Salvation Army Oak Cliff Community Center located in the Winnetka Heights Historic District in Dallas. The Salvation Army is an evangelical charity organization who’s message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination. They provide mainstream Christian teaching through bible study, worship services, and fellowship cell groups during the week.
They help to provide spiritual and social well-being of the vibrant senior adult population in the neighborhood, as well as a variety of social services and youth programs.
Food Pantry
The Food Pantry provides groceries to members of our community who are struggling with this most basic of needs.
After-School Program
The community center provides a variety of educational and recreational activities for kids to participate in each weekday afternoon.
Summer Day Camp
Low-cost summer-long day camps, which provide a safe place for parents to leave their children.
GREATER GLORY has partnered with S.O.S. Brazil kids in the great nation of Brazil. We help and support this ministry to bring development to poor areas plagued with crime, addiction, and lack of opportunity. This ministry cares specifically for children and adolescents at risk with no father or mother in the home, and help family members recover their mental and emotional health.